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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Youth Softball Pitching Tips

Youth Fastpitch Softball Pitching Tips
By Guest Author Trevor A. Sumner

Eddie Feigner was a world famous softball pitcher who started his team, "King and his Court," in 1946. He was such a good pitcher that he needed only two fielders behind him when he pitched. His team barnstormed throughout the United States and all over the world for almost 55 years. Eddie pitched for that duration of time because the softball pitch is made with a natural motion of the arm. That's a stark contrast to baseball pitchers who can have arm complications because the overhand throw is not a natural arm motion.

It is suggested that youth softball pitchers throw as many as three hundred pitches per week so that the repetition will give them outstanding pitching technique. Youth softball pitching tips aid young softball pitchers mentally as much as physically. There are many devices that are on the market that return the ball to them upon impact that young pitchers can use to practice their craft and many are perfect for solo play.

Some youth softball pitching tips for youngsters who want to improve themselves as softball pitchers are:

Know the Game - Learn the rules of the game of softball, and learn all you can about the strike zone.
Master the Strike Zone - When you pitch, avoid the middle of the strike zone where a batter can get the best part of the bat on the ball and make the best contact.
Take a deep breath before releasing the pitch.
Visualize the pitch and the flight of the ball before releasing it.
Concentrate on the strike zone and your catcher's glove. Do not think about the batter.
Release the Ball with Confidence. Don't make the mistake of hoping the ball goes where you intend to throw it. Throw the softball with confidence.
Don't Overthrow. With runners on base, do not squeeze the ball too hard. One of the best youth softball pitching tips is to throw relaxed at all times, even with the game on the line.
Take Extra Time with a Runner on Base - Young softball pitchers must learn to control their emotions at all times when pitching.
After You Release the Pitch, Field Your Position. Follow through after you deliver the pitch directly toward the batter. That's why you're wearing a glove!
Have Fun - Remember to enjoy softball and pitching, because it is only a game.
These youth softball pitching tips are meant to help young softball pitchers to have more success on the pitching mound. Continuous practice using a variety of age-appropriate softball pitching drills will ultimately make the difference between a talented pitcher and a great one. And when you make these drills fun by tapping into the natural idolatry of softball pros like Jennie Finch, Cat Osterman, or Monica Abbott, you may find it easier to motivate your team. It is up to mentors, coaches and parents to encourage and support our youth in all their endeavors.

By Trevor A. Sumner who works for, a youth softball community dedicated to providing parents coaches and athletes the tools and information to celebrate the love of the game. Weplay has one of the most comprehensive softball drill libraries in its active softball community.

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