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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Softball Throwing Drills

Softball Throwing Drills

By Becky Wittenburg

The Throwing Skills to Pay the Bills

Of the key elements of a well-rounded softball player, a good throwing arm is definitely near the top of the list. While some are lucky enough to be born with throwing skills, even they won’t be hurt by softball throwing drills which aim to improve distance and accuracy.

When demonstrating these softball throwing drills, make sure to run through each drill at half speed first before increasing the pace. Also give every player who desires a chance to practice the motions slowly first. Not only will this reduce the chances of unnecessary injury, it will also allow the player to feel the correct way of doing things which will translate when the motions are sped up.

From the Four Corners of the Field

If you’re looking for a drill that highlights throwing conditioning, quick sprints and improving your players’ accuracy on throws from first to third then consider the Four Corners drill. To set up the drill, have your all your infield players line up behind second base except for one player at first base. In addition, this drill requires one hitter at home plate with a bucket of balls.

To begin, the batter hits a ball towards second base. The first fielder in the line fields the ball, throws it to first base and sprints to third in time to receive a throw from a player at first. In order to continue, the fielder must be in a proper receiving position at third base with their left foot touching the home plate side of the base.

Upon catching the ball from first, the fielder sprints towards home plate, hands the ball off to the batter, and runs to first just in time to receive a throw from the fielder at second. Once she has completed her throw to third she is to run to the back of the line at second base and await her next chance at playing fielder.

This is a very fast-paced drill with lots of running so make sure to give your players an adequate break for water and resting following its completion. To minimize down time and standing around, use no more than five players on the field, not including the hitter.

Rotating Infield Drill

The next softball throwing drill employs a rotating infield to get players throwing from all over the infield. To begin with, have no more than five infielders line up behind third base with an additional player at first base. One at a time they are to field a ball that is either thrown to them or hit by a batter. Upon successful receipt of the ball, they are to throw to first base, then run over to the shortstop position.

The drill is repeated for shortstop, second base, and a spot halfway between first and second where the hit is a slow roller towards first. For the slow roller, players are to charge out and field the ball in front of first base, then throw the ball lightly to the player at first. Remind the first base player to ignore any throws that cannot be caught easily so that she can always be ready for the upcoming throw. This is a great drill for tryouts as it showcases throwing skills from a variety of positions.

Becky has been coaching softball for well over a decade. She's constantly on the lookout for new softball throwing drills
You can get instant access to a sample of her softball practice plans by visiting her website:
For a limited time, all coaches who visit Becky's site will also get a free copy of her special report: "The 7 Biggest Mistakes Softball Coaches Make". Go get your free copy today!

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Have a great day, Nick